Texas Hog Hunting

With a true dedication to the removal of wild hogs, Prone Outfitters represents the best of Texas hog hunting: No limits, no hidden fees, and 100% free-range hunts. After years of experience and thousands of harvests, Prone’s clients have likely killed more FREE-RANGE wild hogs from the ground than any outfit in existence.

Wild hog skulls lined up on back of pickup truck. After math of Prone Outfitters Texas Hog Hunting

No Limits

No Trophy Fees

100% Free-Range

Spot and Stalk

Thermal Hog Hunting

Prone Outfitters Thermal Hog Hunts combine a target-rich environment with a hunting style that has proven to be 100% effective throughout thousands of trials.

Along with unlimited predators and small varmints, this Texas hog hunt is unlike any fully-guided experience available. 

What to Bring

Texas Hog Hunting

Aside from wind direction, quiet clothing is the single MOST IMPORTANT factor when within 100 yards. If you want to be successful from close quarters, which is the entire idea of this style of hog hunting, DO NOT bring clothing that makes noise. Summer time will be 75+ degrees at night. Throughout all other seasons, you should be prepared for warm and cold weather. Camouflage is welcome but not necessary.

***Double-up on hoodies and long underwear before you bring a loud jacket or pants!!!***


With minimal amounts of wind, and/or taking out large boars, rifles have proven to be an extremely effective weapon. Semi-Autos are welcome, but controlled shooting will be enforced!!!

  • 30 Caliber or Larger is recommended but not required.


With wind of 10+ mph, shotguns can do some major damage as well. If we can get two or three hunters within 30 yards of a group of 20 pigs, something is going to die, and typically it won’t just be one. **Not recommended on Stand/Feeder Hog Hunt**

  • 00 Buckshot
  • Slugs
  • Hybrid Buckshot/Slugs
  • Low Power or Open Sights
  • Extension Tubes are Neat

Pistol and Bow

If you want to try your hand at extremely close quarters and uncomfortable situations, we can do this style of hunt with pistol and bow!

We need you as quiet as possible in the field. While these items can all be beneficial, if you do not know how to use them properly they become more of a nuisance than helpful.

  • Gun Light Attachment (White, Red, or Green)
  • Shooting Stick
  • Small Backpack (If we end up on an hour-long stalk you might want water, more bullets, or your stress ball.)
  • Your own night vision or thermal scopes are welcome as well.

Learn more about Prone Outfitters

Texas Hog Hunts!

per person, per day


Thermal Hog Hunting

per person, per day


Stand/Feeder Hog Hunting

What Defines Quality

Hog Hunting in Texas?

Click through the 5 tabs below to read more!

Winters, Texas

Our best hog property is a working cattle ranch that covers over 2,800 acres in Central Texas. Large wheat and soybean fields, massive amounts of water, tons of cover, and a hefty supply of cattle feed put this hog ground in the top 1% in the country.

Prone Outfitters sets no limit on how many pigs you can kill. It’s real hog hunting, not a PETA convention!

Prone hunts 100% free-range wild hogs! Fenced in pig hunts do nothing to actually help solve the wild hog problem. 

Wild hogs shouldn’t have an extra price tag just because of their size. With Prone, you are purchasing a service, not a limited number of trapped pigs under 50 lbs.

Part-time guides and outfitting services fill the Texas hog hunting market. Prone’s team loves what they do, and because hunting is our full-time job, we spend countless hours in the field preparing for your arrival.

The Real

Wild Hog Problem

Though some claim to be the “Best Hog Hunting Outfitters in Texas”, read more below as we unravel the misinformation that has flooded the Texas hog hunting market. 

Along with the QDMA, Prone feels the transportation and release of live feral hogs should be banned, and ask that you do not contribute to the madness!

If you want real hog hunting in Texas, book your hunt with an industry leader trusted by thousands of hunters across the country. Texas hog hunting isn’t our hobby; it’s how we make our living. It’s after dinner and before we put on our blood-stained jammies.


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